Download Weekly Crime Reports for your neighborhood using the links below.
If you, or someone you know, has any information about criminal activity, we are asking that you help us by calling 911 and speak to a deputy. We do not take crime reports by email.
Monroe County is divided into three zones to best serve our citizens. Below you can find the contact to provide information of any criminal activity in your area.

Zone Contact Information
Zone A

Zone A - 955 Panorama Trail S.
Rochester, NY 14625
Includes the townships of Fairport, Irondequoit, Penfield, Perinton, Pittsford, and Webster.

Captain Kevin Schoepfel
Zone A Commander

Deputy Todd Thurston
Zone A Community Engagement Deputy
Zone B

Zone B - 393 Calkins Rd,
Rochester, NY 14623
Includes the townships of Brighton, Henrietta, Honeoye Falls, Mendon, Rush, Scottsville, and Wheatland.

Captain Christopher Fay
Zone B Commander

Deputy Kelly Valvassori
Zone B Community Engagement Deputy
Zone C

Zone C - 2330 Union Street,
Spencerport, NY 14559
Includes the townships of Brockport, Chili, Churchville, Clarkson, Gates, Greece, Hamlin, Hilton, Ogden, Parma, Riga, Spencerport, and Sweden.

Acting Captain Dean Tuthill
Zone C Commander

Deputy Nate Clarke
Zone C Community Engagement Deputy