Opportunities for Youth
Teen Police Academy
The Monroe County Sheriff's Office Teen Police Academy is designed to give teens across the county an introduction to law enforcement training. Teens will also gain an understanding of law enforcement's role in our community. The training will include classroom instruction, actual role-plays, and rigorous physical fitness training. There is no charge to attend the academy.

Deputy Sheriff Trainee Program
The Deputy Sheriff Trainee Program is offered to qualified college students (enrolled as full-time students) who are interested in becoming law enforcement or corrections officers, providing an opportunity for on-the-job experience encompassing all areas of the Monroe County Sheriff's Office. Trainees earn $15 per hour.
Program Requirements
- Candidates must be students enrolled at a local college, be at least 17 years of age, and a resident of Monroe County.
- The trainee applicant will undergo an oral interview arranged by the Program Administrator and must meet physical and entrance standards established by the Sheriff.
- The successful applicant must maintain a curriculum comprising 12 credit hours of instruction with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 and agree to provide a copy of each semester's grades to this department. A GPA falling below 2.0 will cause the trainee to be placed on a probationary status for one semester.
- Deputy Sheriff Trainees are classified as part-time, hourly employees and as such receive limited benefits. Uniforms and a cleaning service will be provided.
College Student Intern Program
The intern program provides the opportunity for college students to experience the inner workings of one of the largest Sheriff Offices in New York State. An intern may be assigned to a wide variety of positions, keeping in mind the student's career goals and on-going internal projects. The Sheriff's Office typically places interns in the following areas: Road Patrol, Civil Bureau, Court Bureau, Jail Bureau, Staff Services, Marine Patrol, Medical Examiner's Office, and the District Attorney's Office. The program operates year round, but the openings are limited. Candidates are encouraged to apply by submitting a resume and a cover letter indicating the candidate's hours of availability, areas of interest, and hours required. There is no pay associated with the internships, but the experiences and working knowledge gained are invaluable.
Minimum Requirements
- Current college student
- 3.0 GPA or better
- Approval from the school's intern program coordinator
- Pass a background check
- Pass an oral interview
- Adherence to all Sheriff's Office rules and policies
- Reliable transportation
- Mature-minded professional demeanor
- Hard worker seeking life experience
Participating Colleges
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Monroe Community College
- Genesee Community College
- S.U.N.Y. Brockport
- Keuka College
- Utica College
- St. John Fisher College
- Roberts Wesleyan College
- Syracuse University
- Rochester Business Institute
- Mansfield University
- Edinboro University
- S.U.N.Y. Buffalo
- Bryant and Stratton Institute
- Niagara University
- S.U.N.Y. Canton
Interested Candidates
Send a cover letter and resume to the address below:
Intern Program Coordinator
Monroe County Sheriff's Office
130 S. Plymouth Ave.
Rochester, NY 14614
For more information, contact the Recruitment Unit at 585-753-4705/4706 or email MCSORecruitment@monroecounty.gov