Victim’s Assistance
Crime knows no boundaries. It affects the young, the old, the rich, and the poor, rendering all of us potential victims. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the psychological, physical, and financial difficulties that crime victimization creates for victims and their families. If you are the victim of a crime, you are not alone. A Crime Victim Specialist is embedded in each one of the three substations. Often people who experience victimization are not prepared for the way it will impact their lives. MCSO Crime Victim Specialist are available to serve residents of Monroe County from the onset of victimization, by providing crisis intervention, support, assessment, information, and referrals in a manner that encourages a victim’s involvement and input.
Many times, individuals are not aware of their rights, how the criminal justice system works, or what type of resources are available to support or compensate them and their families. Crime Victim Specialists are available to help educate, guide, and support individuals aimed at responding to their unique needs. Services are based upon need and delivered without discrimination of age, race, gender, or religion.
For Monroe County Sheriff’s Victim Assistance Resources please contact:
Trying to carry the burden alone may be difficult. The MCSO Victim Assistance Program is here to help by offering assistance with:
- Crisis/short-term counseling
- Outreach through home or hospital visits
- Information and referrals to legal, financial and long-term counseling services
- Support through the criminal justice system
- Property recovery assistance
- Case status information
- Personal advocacy
- Assistance filing for victim compensation for out of pocket expenses
- Community information and referrals

Crime Victim Rights
- Know Your Rights
- Guide To Crime Victims’ Compensation
- NYS Sexual Assault Victim Bill of Rights
The Right to Compensation and Assistance: Crime victims may be eligible for compensation from the NYS Office of Victim Services (https://ovs.ny.gov/) for out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of crime. These expenses may include the repair/replacement of damaged property, loss of earnings or support, medical bills, crime scene cleanup, counseling, or funeral expenses.
The Right to be Notified of Judicial Proceedings: If you have provided a current address and telephone number to law enforcement, you have the right to be notified of the accused’s arrest, first appearance before the judge, release from jail while the criminal proceedings are pending, entry of a guilty plea, trial, sentencing and maximum and minimum terms of imprisonment if the defendant is sentenced to prison.
The Right to be Free from Intimidation: Crime victims have the right to be protected from tampering, threats, physical injury, or other kinds of intimidation.
The Right to Submit a Victim Impact Statement: When a proposed sentence contains probation or more than one hundred eighty days imprisonment, a pre-sentence investigation report may contain a victim impact statement. In this statement, crime victims may summarize their version of the offense, the extent of their injuries, financial losses they have incurred as a result of the crime and how the crime has affected their lives and the lives of their family. In the case of a felony conviction, crime victims have the right to deliver this statement in person at the defendant’s sentencing.
The Right to Restitution: Crime victims have the right to request restitution and have their restitution claims presented to the court by the District Attorney.
The General Rights of Crime Victims: Crime victims have the right to a copy of the police report and the prompt return of property held for evidence (unless a compelling reason exists for holding it).

Additional Resources for Victims of Crime:
Willow Domestic Violence Center
Call 585-222-SAFE
or Text 585-348-SAFE
Crisis intervention, emergency shelter for women and children, counseling, support groups, 24-hour hotline.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline (Statewide)
English (24h):
Spanish (9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.):