Project Lifesaver
Project Lifesaver is a search and rescue program designed to provide a timely response, reduce possible injury, and save the lives of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Autism, Downs Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or other cognitive disorders or developmental disabilities. Additionally, the individual must have a history of or severe risk of wandering, eloping, or becoming disoriented as documented in a Life Plan, IEP, or medical diagnosis. Each person is referred to as a “client.” Project Lifesaver’s primary mission is to return at risk individuals inclined to wander home safely to their loved ones.
How it Works
A small transmitter is worn by the client 24/7 and emits a unique, identifiable radio frequency tracking signal. If the client goes missing, the caregiver will call 911. Trained deputies from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office will be dispatched to the area with locator equipment in an attempt to locate the client.
Project Lifesaver is an extra layer of security. The client needs to already have 24/7 supervision. The caregiver, parent, or guardian needs to have a security plan in place with adequate locks and safety devices to prevent the client from wandering or eloping. Project Lifesaver does not replace those security measures, but is an addition to those measures to help keep the client safe.
If the described criteria is met, an enrollment application needs to be completed. The cost of the start-up kit is approximately $350 which includes the transmitter, six bands, six 60 day batteries, tester, “O” ring, and lubricant. After the first year, you would need to purchase a battery and replacement band every 45 to 60 days at a combined cost of approximately $5.00. Financial assistance may be available from outside organizations for those who qualify.

Enrollment Instructions
If you would like to apply for enrollment in the Project Lifesaver program, please complete the enrollment application. If you have any questions or need more information, call 585-753-4287 or email MCSOProjectLifesaver@monroecounty.gov.