A Zone
Attempted GL 4th / Empire Blvd. / 25-035862
On 2/26/25, the 23-year-old male victim was communicating with a suspect via a social media app. They were chatting for about three hours when the victim and suspect began exchanging naked photos. After the victim sent his photos, the suspect attempted to extort the victim for $1000. When the suspect threatened to send the photos to the victim’s family, he closed the app and ceased communication with the suspect.
Robbery 2nd / 2157 Penfield Rd. / 25-035701
On 2/25/25 at 6:11 p.m., the 19-year-old victim agreed to meet potential buyers of a perishable product in the business lot at the above location. She met the buyers on snapchat and during the transaction the driver of the suspect vehicle grabbed her products from her while the passenger displayed a handgun.
PL / Target 2161 Fairport Nine Mile Point Rd. / 25-035630
On 2/25/25 at 3:59 p.m. a man wearing all black stole $351.93 in property from Target. He was seen leaving the scene in a previously reported stolen vehicle with a female passenger. Photos posted to social media.
GL 2nd / Scam / Lost Mountain Trail / 25-037073
In early January 2025, the victim received a text message “Hey” from an unknown number. Following the victim’s response, the suspect (claiming to be a female) and the victim began communicating as romantic partners. The victim sent the suspect a large amount of money in three separate transactions through a link. The money was ultimately wired to “Mandiri Bank,” in Jakarta, Indonesia.
PL / Mail Theft / Whitney Ridge Rd. / 25-035610
On 2/25/25 between 1:49 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. an unknown suspect stole a package from the foyer of the apartment building.
PL / Wegmans 6600 Pittsford Palmyra Rd. / 25-038701
At 9:26 pm on February 27, 2025, two men in dark clothing and yellow surgical masks stole $429.18 worth of Red Bull. They left the area in a black Jeep Renegade.
CM 4th / PL / Side of road 1 Pond Rd. Mendon Ponds Park / 25-033945
GL 4th / CM 4th / PL / Mendon Ponds Park – Devils Bathtub 32 Pond Rd. / 25-033969
GL 4th / CM 3rd / Crescent Trail parking lot 145 Garnsey Rd. / 25-034010
CPFI 2nd / ID Theft 1st / Attempted GL 3rd / Canandaigua Natl Bank 1816 Penfield Rd. / 25-034010
On 2/22/25 between 2:10 p.m. and 3:38 p.m. an unknown suspect(s) broke the window of the victim’s vehicle while it was parked at 1 Pond Rd. in Mendon Ponds Park and stole her purse containing checks.
On 2/22/25 between 3:45 p.m. and 4:28 p.m. an unknown suspect(s) broke the passenger window of the victim’s vehicle while it was parked at 32 Pond Rd. in Mendon Ponds Park and stole her purse and credit cards.
On 2/22/25 between 4:40 p.m. and 5:40 p.m. an unknown suspect(s) broke the rear driver side window of victim’s vehicle while it was parked at 145 Garnsey Rd. and stole her purse and credit cards and NYS DL.
On 2/27/25 at 2:38 p.m. a suspect posing as one of the above victims (with her NYSDL) entered Canandaigua National Bank and presented a check belonging to another victim in the amount of $5000. The astute bank teller knew the presenter was not the person depicted in the photo. The suspect fled.
PL / Marshalls 3340 Monroe Ave. / 25-034884
On 2/17/25 at 9:06 a.m., an unknown woman stole $574.76 worth of merchandise. Photos were submitted to MCSO Social Media and MCAC.
GL 4th / YMCA 2300 W Jefferson Rd. / 25-035672
On 2/25/25 between 11:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., an unknown suspect stole two credit cards from the victim’s wallet from his locker. The cards were subsequently used at a local business.