A Zone
PL / Wegmans 2157 Penfield Rd. / 25-018376
On 1/26/25 at about 6:25 p.m., two males stole $500.67 in energy drinks. They left in a white sedan.
PL / Wegmans 1955 Empire Blvd. / 25-027113
On 2/11/25 at 11:34 p.m., Vincent J. Disalvo (49 yoa) stole $25 worth of merchandise and left in a vehicle. Deputies located Disalvo, arrested him and released him with an appearance ticket.
CPCS 7th Arrest / 480 Plank Rd. / 25-025386
On 2/9/25 at 1:31 a.m. Ashley N. Jackson (36 yoa) was asleep in her vehicle at the gas pumps. She was found in possession of cocaine in her purse. Deputies arrested her and released her with an appearance ticket.
Burglary 3rd/PL / Home Depot 750 Panorama Trail S. / 25-11710
On 1/18/25 at 9:33 a.m. Michael Robbins (42 yoa) selected a light fixture, which he then brought directly to the customer service desk in an attempt to return it. Customer service refused to accept the return, and Robbins exited the store with the $224 light fixture without rendering payment and left the location in a gray Nissan SUV. On 2/8/25 Michael turned himself in and was charged with the above crime.
PL / Shoe Dept. Encore 1900 Empire Blvd. / 25-019873
On 1/31/25 at 1:57 p.m. Michael Robbins (42 yoa) stole about $220 in shoes from the above location and fled. On 2/8/25, Michael turned himself in and was charged with the above crime.
Burg 3rd / CM 3rd / PL / Baker Commodities Inc. 2268 Browncroft Blvd. / 25-026219
On 2/7/25 at 10:20 p.m., three males entered the above building through an unlocked door, broke several windows, computer monitors and knocked holes into walls ($750 damage). They also stole about $250 worth of property (Lorex camera, router and a blowtorch tip). Suspects were captured on video.
PL / Wegmans 2157 Penfield Rd. / 25-025643
On 2/6/25 at 8:00 p.m., a man wearing a black jacket with the hood up stole $234.39 in energy drinks before leaving in a dark SUV.
Prostitution / Lavender Spa 1205 Bay Rd. / 24-206881
Deputies Shut Down Unlicensed Massage Parlor and Make Prostitution Arrest
On February 6, 2025, Monroe County Sheriff’s deputies wrapped up an investigation into allegations of prostitution occurring at an unlicensed massage parlor known as Lavender Spa, in the Town of Penfield. In November 2024, deputies received a tip leading them to the upstairs apartment of 1205 Bay Road. MCSO investigators conducted surveillance of the location to verify the allegations were credible. This prompted investigators to conduct a sting operation, resulting in the arrest of a woman for running an unlicensed massage parlor and prostitution.
Qian Lin, 40, of Flushing is charged with:
- Unauthorized Practice of Profession (Class E-Felony)
- Prostitution (Class B-Misdemeanor)
Ms. Lin was issued an appearance ticket and released in accordance with New York State law.
In February 2024, MCSO investigators arrested a different female at the same location, operating under the name Spring Spa.
Public Lewdness / OGA 2nd / Resisting Arrest / Walmart 1990 Brandt Point Dr. / 25-018453
On 1/29/25 at about 11:48 a.m., deputies responded to the Walmart on Empire Blvd. for the report of a male exposing himself/masturbating. After confirming the crime and broadcasting a description and direction of travel, deputies found the suspect on Guygrace Lane. Deputies identified 36-year-old Barron Wymer as the male suspect. He struggled with the arresting deputies, resisting their attempts to detain him before being taken into custody.
PL / TOPS 1601 Penfield Rd. / 25-019094
At 1:45 p.m. on January 30, 2025, a man with black hair and a goatee, wearing gray sweatpants and a sweatshirt, stole $267.24 worth of dog food, groceries, and other merchandise. Confronting the suspect in the foyer, the store manager recovered the stolen goods before the suspect escaped in a black GMC SUV. The theft was reported internally to the store’s Asset Protection who recognized the same suspect has committed two previous larcenies.
GL 3rd / Blue Pine Ci. / 25-022345
On 1/29/25 older adult male victim was attempting to get a refund from an item he bought. He looked up “thegrommet.com” and called their number found online. A male answered, which led to the victim downloading an app giving the caller remote access to his phone and then granting remote access on his computer. The next day $9,800.36 was stolen from his bank account.
PL / Wegmans 6600 Pittsford Palmyra Rd. / 25-026768
On 2/11/25 at 9:45 a.m., an unknown suspect stole $180.72 in red bull and left in a small gray Jeep SUV. Photos submitted to MCAC and MCSO Social Media.
PL / Wegmans 6600 Pittsford Palmyra Rd. / 25-022887
On 2/4/25 at 5:08 p.m. an unknown suspect wearing a black jacket and black ski mask stole energy drinks (and some other merchandise totaling $362.26) before leaving in a white SUV.
Attempted GL 4th / Craig’s List Scam / Blackwatch Trail / 25-024961
The 66-year-old female victim reports she was attempting to sell a bed and bedframe for $250.00 on Craigslist. Soon after posting the ad, she received a message from an unknown male explaining how much he wanted the bed and frame for his apartment. She explained during her conversation with the male he offered 100.00 dollars more for the bed and bedframe. The male explained he would pay for a moving company to have the bed and frame sent to California, where he allegedly lived. The victim wisely thought it was strange and stopped communicating with the male. The male continued to text the victim, stating he would send a check in the mail totaling $1850.00 paying for the bed and frame along with the moving company. The victim reported the probable and extremely common scam of overpayment for an item being sold to police. The victim did not lose any money.
GL 2nd / Burr Oak Dr. / 25-01858
The older adult victim was scammed out of $800,000. The scam began on 11/18/24 after receiving an email from a fake federal criminal case lodged against him. He then began sending checks to various addresses.
PL / Wegmans 3195 Monroe Ave. / 25-018553
On 1/22/25 at 10:50 p.m. two unknown women (one on crutches), both were wearing all dark clothing stole $562.50 in energy drinks. The one female walked while the other hobbled out of the store and left in a white vehicle.
PL / Wegmans 3195 Monroe Ave. / 25-018546
On 1/3/25 at 11:40 a.m. an unknown suspect with long dark hair and a full beard stole $131.94 in energy drinks.
Robbery 3rd / Winding Rd. / 25-018918
On 1/30/25 at 9:23 a.m. the 53-year-old male victim agreed to meet "Chippy" in front of the above address in the street (via Facebook marketplace) to sell a computer, an HP ProBook 450 G2. When the victim arrived, he parked in front of the driveway and messaged the buyer. Shortly thereafter, the victim stated a thin black male approached him from behind on the passenger side of his vehicle. He said the male asked to see the laptop before buying it. At this time, the victim was agreeable and allowed the male to see it. After handing over the laptop, the male said, "Now get out of here before I blow your face off." Having felt threatened, the victim left the area and called 911.
PL / Dicks Going Going Gone / 3349 Monroe Ave. / 25-22256
On 2/4/25 at 12:05 p.m. a man wearing blue jeans, black jacket and black boots with a tie-dye backpack stole three pairs of shoes ($103.45) by placing them into the backpack. When the manager confronted him, the suspect refused to relinquish the property and walked out. This man has repeatedly stolen from the store.
PL / Wegmans 3195 Monroe Ave. / 25-021642
At 2:11 p.m. on February 3rd, 2025, Daniel M. Bellman (age 25) took $374.72 worth of goods. When confronted by security outside, he ran away. He was caught by deputies, arrested, and released on an appearance ticket.
PL / Wegmans 3195 Monroe Ave. / 25-021453
On 2/2/25 at 3:26 p.m. an unknown man wearing a black jacket and black facemask stole red bull energy drinks and some other merchandise totaling $216.48.
Scam Report
On 1/31/25, a husband and wife came to A-Zone to file a scam report. The woman was contacted on Facebook messenger in December 2024 by a profile which she believed belonged to one of her friends. These messages lead to her texting a person who claimed to be part of the "Facebook Security Team." From 12/31/24 through 1/17/25, the woman sent the PIN numbers of various gift cards she purchased via text, as well as a box of $3,735 cash to an address in Idaho. The total amount sent to the scammer(s) was $23,735.
PL / Wegmans 3195 Monroe Ave. / 25-025200
On 2/8/25 at 5:12 p.m. Dennis R. Jemison (age 39) wearing a black ski mask and black hat, stole $253.14 in steak and energy drinks. Upon being approached by security, he exited the property and sped away in the passenger seat of a black Toyota RAV4. Deputies located the vehicle and arrested Jemison. He was issued an appearance ticket and released in accordance with NYS law.
B Zone
Petit Larceny / 3093 W Henrietta Rd (United Refinery Company) / 25-020379
On 02/01/25, an unknown male (black jacket, green hooded sweatshirt, ripped jeans) entered the store and stole merchandise. The male was seen leaving the location in a black 2017 Nissan Sentra.
Grand Larceny 4th / 4853 W Henrietta Rd (Nashvilles) / 25-019814
On 02/03/25, while at the above location, the victim lost his wallet. The wallet contained $20, his NYS driver’s license, and two debit cards. The debit cards received $108 worth of unauthorized transactions at Nashville’s, McDonald's and Shop Smart Mini Mart.
UUMV / 125 Jarley Rd. / 25-022332
Employees at Penske Rental report they rented a truck to a K. Hall on 01/10/25. Hall was supposed to return the vehicle on 01/15/25, but failed to do so. Penske has made numerous attempts to contact Hall, with negative results.
C Zone
GL 3rd (Stolen Vehicle) / Audino Lane / 25-018875
On 1/30/25 at 7:57 in the morning, deputies were dispatched to Audino lane for the report of a suspicious vehicle. Deputies located a 2020 Kia Sorrento running with the driver side door handle removed. The vehicle was reported to be stolen out of Irondequoit. Deputies advised Irondequoit of the recovered stolen vehicle. While canvassing the area, deputies located parts of a car door handle and met the victim, who states his vehicle was missing, and was just about to call 911. He parked his 2017 Hyundai Elantra on 1/29/25 at approximately 6:00 p.m. When he came out this morning to start it, he saw the vehicle was gone.
GL 4th (Stolen Vehicle) / Audino Lane / 25-018916
On January 29, 2025, at about 5:30 p.m., the victim parked his 2022 Kia Sportage in the parking lot in front of his apartment building. On January 30, 2025 at about 8:30 a.m. he discovered the car was stolen and called 911.
CM 4th / Audino Lane / 25-021777
On 2/2/2025, the victim located the lock cylinder parts from his 2020 Hyundai Elantra driver's door on the ground. He drove his vehicle to the Hyundai Dealership, where he was informed by staff that someone likely tried to steal his vehicle.
Identity Theft / Palmer Rd. / 25-019910
A phishing email, seemingly from Discover, was opened by the victim on his computer on 1/28/25. The email showed a PayPal transaction and asked if he approved said transaction. He received phone calls from someone claiming to work at Discover and another claiming to be an employee at PayPal. They prompted him to check his accounts online for unauthorized charges. Upon finding pending PayPal charges, the victim became suspicious and called his bank. The bank informed him while there were no pending PayPal charges, there were $51,000 in pending withdrawls from his retirement accounts. The bank declined those transactions and the victim brouhgt his computer to Best Buy to remove any viruses. The victim will continue to monitor his credit reports going forward.